Sunday, July 18, 2010

Milkman’s Story Part 3 –

Milkman’s Story Part 3 –

Functioning Alcoholic (I thought)

When we moved back to the peninsula somewhere around 1968 or 69, we moved around quite a bit from apartment to apartment to motels and finally into a duplex next to the park in South San Francisco. Our first son Michael was born in September of 1969 there. We were still a “wild” couple, having our apartment set up “hippie style”, with black lights, posters of the groups of the era, beads, candles and more.

I was still working at the office in San Francisco, but was soon let go in early 1970. I did some roofing for awhile and a lot of drinking and drugging. In 1971 I got a job with a big company and slid up the ladder in eight years somehow to General Foreman. My drinking slid right up there too, hitting the bars and partying constantly. My wife was settling down but I was “off the hook”.

After our 1st son was born, I was a proud father, even though I wasn’t yet grown up myself. I did a lot of the “father” stuff, buying toys, teaching him sports, camping, shows etc. etc. But all the while, I continued my drinking and drugging. Anytime we went for a family outing, a beer was always between my legs while driving. The “bars” always called me after work, and sometimes getting home was just in time to hit the sack, pass out, get up and start over again.

My other 2 sons were born in 1973 and 1976 and still this life of drinking continued. In the 70’s, I was incarcerated for DUI’s several time, doing time in Work Furlough’s, weekends, and mandated DUI programs. I went to AA during several periods during the 70’s, but I wasn’t ready to sober up for any period of time more than 30 days at a time.

My wife worked at the US Post Office in between pregnancies, and between us we had a fairly good income. With so much money being spent on my drinking and drugging, we were never able to acquire much, and most of the times, had bill collectors knocking at our door and on the phone. Of course, being in debt, gave me just that much more reason to go out and drink to forget and not feel overwhelmed by debt. Actually, I didn’t need much of a reason to continue my drinking career.
I did many things with my boys and wife during these years of 1969 to 1980, but I continued to lead my own life away from the house in my addiction. My job involved many company functions, which at that time involved a lot the drinking during the functions, paid for by the company. It seemed OK to me to over indulge, and that is what I did. I finally lost this job due to my alcoholism in 1979.
I guess I knew that I had a problem with alcohol and drugs during the 70’s, but refused to admit it. Even with all the jail time that was involved, it just didn’t hit “home”. I could read the writing on the wall; I just didn’t realize that the writing was addressed to ME.
Many things outside the home happened in the 70’s, with me getting involved with many criminal acts. I won’t mention them here as to protect the anonymity of others and myself from people that might take offense to these deeds. Just know that they were things that came with the “territory” of the times and acquaintances.
That’s all I’m gonna write about the 70’s and will do my best to continue my story soon about the VERY bad 80’s, for my family and myself.

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