Monday, November 15, 2010

How I got to recovery

How I got to recovery

My getting into recovery, clean and sober, came about by many events happening in my life, but came to a head by one BIG one. My wife calling the cops on me. That was the event that eventually turned my life around 180.

As with most of us, I blamed my incarceration on HER. Who did she think she WAS, calling the police on ME, Ha!!

The day was October 29, 2000. I was driving a 1972 blue Volkswagen, and had been drinking for several days. I was temporarily reunited with my wife, who had divorced me 4 years earlier. She was giving me another chance to prove that I could go without the booze and drugs. Reckon, I didn’t make it very long. There were times that I could go a day or two, with just one or two beers, but eventually, I just drifted right back on drinking as much as I could consume. If I didn’t drink when she got home at night from work, I got up extra early, so I could have 3 or 4 beers BEFORE I left for work. Lunch time found me speeding up to the bar to consume 3 or 4 screwdrivers as quickly as I could. Once again, I had no control over alcohol, even with the threat of losing my wife once again.

I had already been to prison 4 or 5 times, and county jails, so many times, I lost count. NOTHING could take the obsession to drink away from me. I was psychologically and physically dependent on booze. My life was unmanageable.

That day, 10 years ago, I was mentally and physically abusing my wife, and didn’t even realize it. My thinking was that I needed another drink, and would do anything to get it. She wouldn’t give me the money that I gave her to pay the bills, imagine THAT! So, in order to protect herself, she called the cops on me. I had enough faculties about me, or should I say, stupidity left, that I left the premises. But, obsessed as I was, I just HAD to drive back by the apt. to see if she really HAD called them. SHE HAD!! SHE POINTED ME OUT TO THEM!! THEY SAW ME AND WHAT I WAS DRIVING!!! I DROVE OFF QUICKLY!! THEY CAUGHT ME!!!

That day brought on a new beginning for me. There were many things that happened to me during the time that elapsed from that day, until I was released from the program that I eventually ended up at. That, is another story.

Anyone else like to share how they got into recovery? Post a comment here or at the group:

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