Monday, December 13, 2010

Holiday Articles for Sobriety

Holiday Articles for Sobriety

It's that time of year again, the Holiday Season. Time to be happy, time to be with friends and time to celebrate. For those of us that are in recovery from alcohol/drugs, this time of year can be very difficult to get thru clean and sober. Thru the years of my time on the internet my managers and I have put together some articles and tips for folks just like us to aid us to make it thru clean and sober.

Most of the work was compiled by Elva E. (Cuddles) one of my managers, with me since my first recovery group in January of 2004.

Elva normally puts these pages together for you folks, but her and her husband Chuck are going thru some rough times right now. Chuck has been rediagnosed with cancer and will be in treatment of chemotherapy for the next few weeks. Please keep them both in your prayers. I will have prayer requests posted in my group and on FB for those that wish to add their prayers. There is power in prayer.

I will be posting a few articles as I edit them for the web page, and will post the link in my group, on my Blog, as well as on Facebook. I hope that for those facing rough times during the holidays will take the time to read them, and those that are doing well, will add some ESH for those that aren't. Please give your support to those in need. Hopefully most of you do that throughout the year, but please make a special effort to do so during the holidays. Don't be stingy, and throw a few coins in those buckets outside your stores that you shop in. Sure, some of them may not be needy, but the odds say that most of them are. We weren't so stingy when we bought another drunk a drink, or shared some "blow" with someone. If you don't have any spare money, share a smile or a few kind words. They go a long way.


Milkman Mike

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