Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Today in Milkman's Life

My days during the week are pretty repeditive these days, but I get to interact with folks from different parts of the world every day.

Almost everyday of the week my first stop at 5:15am is the do'nut shop. John, in the picture, is from Cambodia, owns and operates this shop 7 days a week and makes delicious donuts. He's been in the US since 1982, has a son in the Air Force stationed in Germany, and is a great guy. He starts at 1am in the morning and is sold out by 10-11am in the morning.


My lunch hour found me at the 7-11 that I frequent quite often and sometimes see these chickens running across the street and eating whatever in the ravine. Today, Paul, from India, the owner of the 7-11 was cleaning outside and we started talking. The chickens and roosters were right across the ravine and he whistled and they came a flying and running to greet him (actually to see if he ad any handouts, lol). It was still interesting seeing them run and fly to his command, lol.

After all this, I went back to work and took a few more pictures. I was thinking about the scenery I had when I worked in San Francisco down at 2nd and Howard. All you saw there was cars, buses, smog, fog and tall buildings.The pictures below show a little bit of what I see THESE days in Napa, California.
What a change!!!

Change is good and so is life. Have a great day!!!

Milkman Mike

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