Saturday, September 18, 2010


This is one of many articles posted by Zentai about recovery. You can view details and links to more articles at: "Beyond the 12 Steps"


Reality is what is and not what it is not. It is complete unto itself and doesn't care if you notice it or not. Reality is the collection of unchanging laws which run the universe. Gravity is a reality. This posting you are reading now on this site is reality. The relationships you have in your life right now are reality. These are all manifestations of the basic law that runs the universe: What is, is; what isn't, isn't.

Unreality is what is not. It seems to not care if you notice it or not. Unreality is the collection of mind stuff which is subject to change at any time. Wishing things were different is unreality. The relationships you do not have in your life right now are unreality.

Now, although reality doesn't care if you notice it or not, "you" had better care if you notice or not. Not noticing reality means that your life is cruising directly toward not working, that is, being in a condition of no satisfaction. How many times have you dwelled on the relationships you don't have and ignored the ones you do have? How often have you wished for that job you don't have and neglected the one you do have? How often do you worry about not being able to recover from an addiction rather than concentrating on the fact that you are working in recovery now? When was the last time you wished you had different parents and didn't give consideration to the ones you do have? And what about living in another place? That would make life much better, wouldn't it? What about someone just coming along and saving you altogether? That would be nice, wouldn't it? Well, I ran out of magic wands and I don't have any gold dust to sprinkle.

Well, here is a piece of news for you that is also immutable reality: no one will ever save you! Only when you notice reality and get into alignment with it will you experience being "saved." It is quite easy to cause success: just paddle downstream along with the river of the way it is, not upstream against the way it is. You will do this for yourself or no one will.

That is all I am going to say about reality as such. However, please notice that most of the content of this recovery site is about reality or the truth. Truth is obvious only if you notice it and give it room to be. The mind is not equipped to do this since it is a right/wrong machine interested only in rightness and survival. If reality is to be noticed, you will have to do it objectively by using the polarities of the brain since your mind can't. (I need to emphasize here, again, that the brain and the mind are not the same). If you let your mind run the show, it will create a condition of unreality in order to be right. The price you will pay for your mind being right is lack of clarity about what is real in life. Some day you will notice that the price is too high, and you won't pay anymore.

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